Free Food Service

for our street friends

Astha is committed to serve needy. Due to coronavirus outbreak, a lot of international students have lost their jobs. They are now vulnerable and need help to go through tough times.

Astha’s objective is to provide relief such as food, water, clothing, blankets and daily essentials to homeless and people in need.

Groceries for International Students

We have seen increasing cases of business closure, as a result of it, International students who relied on casual jobs are in a vulnerable state. They need help until the economy improves and job market reopens.

Astha has committed to help International students who are going through tough times and needs immediate help with groceries. We wish to extend our hand with the basic pack of groceries supplied fortnightly.

If you feel like speaking to someone. You can speak to one of our Be-friender or counselor. Please send your request to

Who are we helping?

If you are an international student or needy, who is facing hardship. Please see our assessment criteria for support.

  • If you are an international student and have recently lost the job due to COVID-19.
  • You don’t have savings for more than $1000

How to get help ?

Please email your details to or contact us using the online form: CONTACT US

If you cannot feed 100 people then just feed one

Our Religion is humanity

We do not discriminate while serving food if someone is homeless or not. Our inspiration is Shirdi Sai Baba as he is our Guru and we follow his preaching that everyone is equal. In other words, he believed in feeding the hungry in his lifetime and we are just trying to follow his path. We are not promoting any religion with this service. Please note: we are not associated with any temple or religious organization.

Astha currently has more than 100 volunteers in support for this service. The support comes in the form of donations in cash and kind. Astha encourages donation of non-perishable canned food which is not expired

I wish to sponsor grocery for Student

for our street friends
Other Amount: AUD

Astha continues to grow and marks it’s footprints in this world of sharing. Above all, we need your support to serve more and more homeless and less fortunate. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Donations above $2 are tax deductible

Australian Registered Charity


Join our team of volunteers

Every year, hundreds of dedicated individuals, school kids, community groups and businesses donate their time and expertise to Astha Limited. Some people believe this is a way to give back to the community and to make a difference.