Astha helping International students

I only have less than $3 left in savings

Astha is committed to serve needy. Due to coronavirus outbreak, a lot of international students have lost their jobs. They are now vulnerable and need help to go through tough times.

Within a short time after posting the Facebook message, I received an email from an International student telling me that, “I only have less than $3 left in savings”.

After making a decision with Astha directors we decided to help vulnerable International Students who are on the verge of homelessness. Within a couple of hours of posting the message on Facebook, we started getting emails of international students who are in need of help. One student told me that he only has $3 left with not much food at home.
Similar emails started flowing in, some requested job and some request basic groceries so they can put food on the table. My heart breaks listening to someone who says I cannot eat tonight as I have no money left. I visited and spoke to many international students today who are in immediate need of food. Helped most vulnerable 8 students across Sydney south to west.
When I visited the first student he was very humbled by our gesture. He was thankful for the things we bought for him especially the cooking oil. It’s a simple thing which all of us easily have and we don’t think too much about it. But with someone with no work and a small amount of money left it is very big. He was nervous when we met him and later emailed us back asking for ASTHA’s account details. He also told us that he has a job but will get paid in a few days, and needed help only until then. His words were “I would like to contribute to help fellow students like me”, such a humble soul.
We also met three other international students who could not afford rice and vegetables as paying rent was their priority. Thanks to our donors they will have food on their table for at least the next couple of weeks. Students couldn’t thank us enough for the assistance.
We believe there is no greater service than serving food. If you are vulnerable then Astha can surely help you. If you have a job and enough food on your plate, we would humbly request you to please share. This is the time when we need your support. Let’s all stand together and fight hunger. “No one should sleep empty stomach”

Groceries for International Students

We have seen increasing cases of business closure, as a result of it, International students who relied on casual jobs are in a vulnerable state. They need help until the economy improves and job market reopens.

Astha has committed to help International students who are going through tough times and needs immediate help with groceries. We wish to extend our hand with the basic pack of groceries supplied fortnightly.

Who are we helping?

If you are an international student or needy, who is facing hardship. Please see our assessment criteria for support.

  • If you are an international student and have recently lost the job due to COVID-19.
  • You don’t have savings for more than $1000

How to get help ?

Please email your details to or contact us using the online form: CONTACT US

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